Buying Luxury is Dumb
It's all a sham
Luxury goods no longer matter like they used to. If your goal is to have nice things and impress everybody, there is no longer any reason to buy luxury goods.
I’ll prove it:
- Teslas are faster than Bugattis and Lamborghinis.
- Rolexes cost 5k But have less functionality than an Apple watch
- Gucci flip-flops aren’t any better than Adidas or Nike flip-flops
Nobody cares that your shirt is Dior in real life. Sure, you might get some internet clout out of it. But nothing about luxury brands is more luxurious than standard brands.
I’m not saying to go cheap. Just buy whatever is the most well-constructed and functional.
Half of these brands base their image on Eurocentric definitions of worth anyway.
Trying to Look Rich is Keeping You Poor
Do not try to emulate what you think rich people do based on what you see on social media. Most rich people live fairly mundane lives.
Influencers are distorting your perspective of what it means to be successful
I’ll prove it (again):
- Jake Paul (and others) rent their “mansions”
- Those supercars are all leased
- They get paid by luxury brands to promote a fake lifestyle
- Champagne with gold flakes in it doesn’t actually taste better than regular champagne
Nobody Cares
Mark Zuckerberg wears the same t-shirt and jeans every day.
Signaling status through material goods is a trait of the insecure, not the successful.
I’d rather be rich but look poor than look rich but be poor.
Danny DeVito’s character, Frank Reynolds, got it right.
Its better to be rich but look poor
Viva la revolución
Stop making greedy corporations rich with your consumerist addiction.
Do this instead:
- Buy stuff based on functionality
- Buy used
- Thrift
- Sell your stuff you don’t need
- Spend that money on experiences and knowledge (true wealth)
Or don’t. What the hell do I know? I’m just some guy in his 20s who writes listicles on the internet…